Project opfor arma 3
Project opfor arma 3

project opfor arma 3 project opfor arma 3

While the current one doesn't seem to be worked on anymore, I am working on my own version. Now many of you may be confused as to what this entitles because, many think the ARMA 3 Project Reality mod is dead and gone. It's a lot, but I'm not going to let this mod go to shit because, I get lazy one day. Mainly I just need a tickets system, a PR-like loadout system, and a construction system along with a squad system. If I already find a default arma 3 project reality like game mode, I'll be set at 50% and go from there. I really hope you guys allow me to be associated with your game and add this on to your official PR games when I am finished with it.

project opfor arma 3

I find great pleasure in playing Project Reality, and interacting with an awesome community. Important note to PR Devs, and Mods: I will credit you guys fully for the idea that you have bestowed upon me. If this is on the wrong part of the forum, sorry, can you please direct me?

Project opfor arma 3